Jim Kavanagh, Group Leader Kilkenny Outreach, Chernobyl Children International visited our school on Monday the 1st of February to discuss Grennan Colleges support for the Kilkenny Outreach Group for the Vesnova Orphanage in Belarus and how we as a school could get involved. During his visit he outlined the impact of the atomic explosion of Chernobyl thirty years ago and how it still affects the lives and the health of the people in Belarus hugely.
Every year Jim and his team spend months collecting nappies and toiletries for Vesnova and have been doing so for twenty years. Altogether they hope to fill three large trucks to travel over 6,000 miles to reach the orphanage. Our school has two weeks to add as much items as possible for those in need.
- Nappies
- Sudocream
- Shampoo
- Toothbrushes & toothpaste
- Baby wipes
These items would be greatly appreciated and would mean so much. They can be dropped into the school over the next two weeks but final donations MUST be in by Thursday 11th of February.
A lot of hard work goes into this project annually, but the result is a step closer to brightening the lives of those in need in Belarus.
Written by Jennifer McGuinness, TY Student
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